Bob Goolsby's Website


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1 07/04/05 Bob Goolsby's Home Page (This Page) Main page (This page) 07/04/05 This Page
2 04/11/05 My 2nd Grandson's Ultra-sound (Movie) Pictures of Ginger (my oldest daughter) taken when she heard her baby's heartbeat for the first time. ( movie) 11/04/04 Family
3 05/14/04 Lori Goolsby's Auburn Web Page Lori Goolsby's Auburn web page 10/14/00 Family
4 07/25/05 Grandson - Jackson Swimming Bob Goolsby's Grandson - Jackson Thomas Swimming 07/24/05 Family
5 04/11/05 Sharon & Bob Goolsby 35th Anniversary Goolsby 35th Anniversary dinner at Café Amici in Columbus GA 09/28/04 Family / Anny
6 04/11/05 Bobby Surprise 56th Birthday Party Surprise Birthday Party for Bob Goolsby & Liz Collins at El Vaquero 02/12/05 Family / Birthday
7 04/11/05 Grandson - Gabe Goolsby 2nd Birthday Gabe Goolsby's 2nd Birthday party 08/22/04 Family / Birthday
8 02/17/04 Bob Goolsby's 56th Birthday Happy 56th Birthday Bobby! 02/18/04 Family / Birthday
9 02/17/04 Bob Goolsby's 56th Birthday (Movie) 56th Birthday Bobby – Hat Broken 02/18/04 Family / Birthday
10 02/17/04 Bob Goolsby's 56th Birthday (Movie) 56th Birthday Bobby – Gabe PLAY Fight 02/17/04 Family / Birthday
11 04/11/04 Goolsby Easter 2004 Easter at the Goolsby's 2004 04/11/04 Family / Easter
12 04/11/05 Goolsby Motorcycle ride to Warm Springs Goolsby motorcycle ride to Warm Springs Georgia (Bobby & Sharon-96 RoadKing, Robby & Amy-97 Fat Boy 11/22/04 Family / Harley
13 04/11/05 Goolsby Vacation Clayton GA Ginger Goolsby rang the bell in Clayton Georgia (Movie) 10/31/04 Family / Travel
14 04/11/05 Goolsby Vacation Clayton GA Goolsby Trip to the North Georgia Mountains. (Movie - Short Version) 10/30/04 Family / Travel
15 04/11/05 Goolsby Vacation Clayton GA Goolsby Trip to the North Georgia Mountains. (Movie - Long Version) 10/30/04 Family / Travel
16 04/11/05 Goolsby Vacation Seagrove Beach FL Goolsby Trip to Seagrove Beach Florida - Jim & Nancy Buntin's home (Dolphin Watch II) PDF File 07/16/04 Family / Travel
17 04/11/05 Goolsby Vacation Seagrove Beach FL Gabe Goolsby enjoying a cool drink in Florida 07/15/04 Family / Travel
18 08/06/03 Goolsby Vacation Daytona Beach Daytona Beach - August 2003 08/06/03 Family / Travel
19 08/06/03 Goolsby Vacation Daytona Beach Daytona Beach - August 2003 08/06/03 Family / Travel
20 09/28/69 Bobby & Sharon's Wedding Photos Bobby & Sharon Wedding Pictures 09/28/69 Family / Wedding
21 07/05/05
Gazebo - July 4th 2005 (Slide Show)
Gazebo July 4th 2005 (Slide Show)-VERY LARGE FILE - Be patient - 11.32 megabytes - Cable or DSL Users Only 07/04/05 Gazebo
22 07/05/05
Gazebo - July 4th 2005 (Photos Only)
Gazebo July 4th 2005 (Pictures Only)-Use this Link if you had problems with the above Link (#20) 07/04/05 Gazebo
23 07/04/05 Gazebo - Progressive Dinner Gazebo Progressive Dinner 121/12/04 Gazebo
24 07/04/05 Gazebo - Dinner at Crickets Restaurant Gazebo dinner at Cricket's 04/29/05 Gazebo
25 07/04/05 Gazebo - Dinner at The Addisons Condo Gazebo dinner at the Addison's Condo 04/22/05 Gazebo
26 07/04/05 Gazebo - Robin Pennock's Roses Gazebo Neighbor - Robin Pennock's "Roses" at her former home (Atlanta) 12/13/04 Gazebo
27 07/04/05 Gazebo - All Gatherings Gazebo  - All Events Assorted Gazebo
28 07/04/05 Gazebo - Dinner at El Vaquero Gazebo dinner at El Vaquero 02/04/05 Gazebo
29 07/04/05 Gazebo - Graham/Feagle Farm (Movie) Gazebo party at the Graham -  Feagle Farm (Movie) 10/16/04 Gazebo
30 07/04/05 Gazebo - Graham/Feagle Farm (Movie) Gazebo party at the Graham -  Feagle Farm (Photos) 10/16/04 Gazebo
31 07/04/05 Gazebo - Dinner at Oscar's Gazebo dinner at Oscar's 03/18/05 Gazebo
32 04/11/05 "Toys-For-Tots" Motorcycle Ride 2004 Motorcycle ride to provide Christmas toys for needy children 12/05/04 Harley
33 04/11/05 Tribute To Ft Benning Motorcycle Ride Motorcycle ride - Tribute to Ft Benning Soldiers 11/20/04 Harley
34 04/11/05 Firefight in Falluja An "Actual" firefight in Falluja Iraq emailed to me by a friend 12/03/04 Military
35 07/07/05 OC502-69 During Reunion 2004 OC50269 During The Reunion 2004 05/16/04 - 05/18/04 Military / OCS
36 05/13/04 Original OC502-69 Reunion 2004 Website OC502-69 Reunion Web Site (The First One) 03/30/04 Military / OCS
37 05/19/69 Bob Goolsby during Army OCS Bob Goolsby in Army OCS 05/01/69 Military / OCS
38 04/11/05 Christmas 2004 Graham/Feagle Farm Christmas Party at Graham / Feagle Farm 12/11/04 Misc / Christmas
39 07/04/05 St Patrick's Day 2005 St Patrick's Day Party at the Pingel's Condo 03/17/05 Misc / St Patrick's
40 04/15/05 Johnston/Abbott Wedding Reception Judge & Mrs Robert Johnston's Daughter, Johnston/Abbott Wedding Reception, Rankin Atrium & Gardens, Columbus GA 04/09/05 Misc / Wedding
41 04/03/04 Martin/Craig Wedding Party Ashley Martin & Mike Craig's Wedding Party 04/03/04 Misc / Wedding
42 01/03/04 Gates/Haun Wedding Party Gates - Haun Wedding 01/03/04 Misc / Wedding
43 04/11/05 The Goolsby Twins (Movie) 2 "Identical" Twins that Sharon Loves. (Movie) 02/18/05 Misc
44 04/11/05 The John Ross Family Visit from Fresno John & Sandy Ross's visit to Columbus GA from Fresno CA 01/29/05 Misc
45 04/11/05 The Chattahoochee River (Movie) Pictures I took of the Chattahoochee River in downtown Columbus GA. (Movie) 12/01/04 Misc
46 05/16/04 Dennis & Patsy Jeffers Visit from Oneida Dennis & Patsy Jeffers visit to Columbus from Oneida TN. 05/19/04 Misc
47 04/11/05 Turning From Day To Night (Movie) View of the setting sun taken out of our kitchen window at home in Maple Ridge - (Movie) 05/21/03 Misc
48 10/03/01 Assorted Family Photos & Dates Assorted Family Pictures & Dates Assorted Misc
49 03/16/02 Assorted Family Photos & Dates Assorted Family Pictures & Dates Assorted Misc
50 07/04/02 Assorted Family Photos & Dates Assorted Family Pictures & Dates Assorted Misc
51 09/22/02 Assorted Family Photos & Dates Assorted Family Pictures & Dates Assorted Misc
52 04/18/02 Assorted Family Photos & Dates Assorted Family Pictures & Dates Assorted Misc
53 11/10/00 Assorted Family Photos & Dates Assorted Family Pictures & Dates Assorted Misc
54 11/10/00 Assorted Family Photos & Dates Assorted Family Pictures & Dates Assorted Misc
55 12/19/00 Assorted Family Photos & Dates Assorted Family Pictures & Dates Assorted Misc
56 06/04/00 Assorted Family Photos & Dates Assorted Family Pictures & Dates Assorted Misc
57 N/A Blank Page & Date Blank Page & Date N/A Misc
58 N/A Blank Page & Date Blank Page & Date N/A Misc

Sharon & I live in "The Manors of Innisbrook Condominiums" located in the Golf Community known as Maple Ridge Subdivision in Columbus Georgia.  We are fortunate to have THE BEST neighbors in our group of 18 condominiums.  Every Friday night at 6:30 PM, we meet in our private Gazebo for socializing and then we go as a group to a different restaurant each week to have dinner together.  We call our group "The Gazebo Group."  It is open to all residents, family members, and friends of The Manors of Innisbrook.

This is a picture of The Manors of Innisbrook taken from across the lake (during winter) showing the Signature Green of Maple Ridge Golf Club.

This is a picture (taken at night) of our Gazebo after it was decorated for Christmas.  The sign you see on top of the Gazebo is actually located at the entrance to The Manors of Innisbrook.  I superimposed it just for this picture.

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Last updated:  09/24/2005 12:20 PM